Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM) Last Update: 07/24/2018 |
Firstly, we wholeheartedly support and encourage practices that can help you, the patient or caregiver, to improve your fitness and general health. Notably, wise changes in diet and exercise can help you to achieve this and is associated with improved survival.
To avoid potential adverse interactions,
Why one naturopath quit after watching her peers treat cancer patients - http://bit.ly/1M1EmWp |
J Natl Cancer Inst. 2013
American Journal of Gastroenterology: Efficacy of an Encapsulated Probiotic Bifidobacterium infantis 35624 in Women with Irritable Bowel Syndrome http://bit.ly/18hIiQ5 |
Link Between High Blood Levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Increased Risk of Aggressive Prostate Cancer Confirmed |
Pot for medicinal purposes? adai.uw.edu
Science Based Medicine:
Sunrise Rounds: Choosing Alternative Medicine |
CA Cancer J Clin 2012: Nutrition and physical
Move to it's own topic page: Natural Supplements - Caveats |
Anonymous & Confidential 4-question CAM SURVEY
for lymphoma survivors or caregivers
Purpose: To can better meet needs when we understand the community we serve - details
After you complete the survey you will see a list of what you selected.
When you return to this form, you are done.
Recovery from illness, whether it follows self-medication, treatment by a scientific practitioner, or treatment by an unscientific practitioner, may lead individuals to conclude that the treatment received was the cause of the return to good health.
"A statement of fact cannot be insolent." The miscellaneous ramblings of a surgeon/scientist on medicine, quackery, science, pseudoscience, history, and pseudohistory (and anything else that interests him
Respectful Insolence
Wendy S. Harpham, MD (NHL survivor) amcancersoc.org "Patients who don’t understand the difference between information based on theory, anecdote, historical analysis, or double-blind placebo controlled studies are making ill-informed decisions, believing alternative therapies are safer or more effective when they are not. Even patients who presume that alternative therapies are ineffective may use them. Why? When faced with a life-threatening disease requiring highly toxic treatments with no guarantees, or when dying because there are no effective conventional treatments, it takes guts to reject something or someone claiming to be able to save you, just in case you might be wrong."
... "modern medicine's integrity is being eroded by New Age mysticism, cult-like schemes, ideologies, and classical quackery, all known as "alternative medicine." Using obscure language and misleading claims, they promote changes that would propel medicine back five centuries or more. They would supplant objectivity and reason with myths, feelings, hunches and sophistry.
NCCAM is being presented as a scientific vehicle to study alternative medicine's anomalous methods. But NCCAM actually promotes the movement by assuming that false and implausible claims are legitimate things to study."
Medical myths not only mislead but also may hamper proper treatment. Find out why these common cancer myths are wrong. Highly recommended reading.
NEW: Boosting your immune system to fight cancer? http://bit.ly/1euzrK
"NCAHF is a private nonprofit, voluntary health agency that focuses upon health misinformation, fraud, and quackery as public health problems. Our positions are based upon the principles of science that underlie consumer protection law. We advocate: (a) adequate disclosure in labeling and other warranties to enable consumers to make truly informed choices; (b) premarketing proof of safety and effectiveness for products and services claimed to prevent, alleviate, or cure any health problem; and, (c) accountability for those who violate the law."
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"The reasons why people seek alternative therapies for cancer are broad. Many seek out alternative therapy when options for conventional therapy have been exhausted. There is also the recognition that, for some tumor systems, conventional therapy is of limited effectiveness and that the side effects of chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation are feared. For some tumor systems, no conventional therapy exists and the standard therapy is participation in phase I or phase II trials. Many patients perceive that the conventional approach is emotionally or spiritually empty and provides neither comfort nor solace."
Exploring issues and controversies in the relationship between science and medicine
Interpreting Medical Literature
Mediators Inflamm. 2014; 2014
Vitamin Reports from Randomized Trials - Cautionary tales |
CAM - Medlexicon: Fasting May Boost Chemo By Weakening Cancer Cells
J Altern Complement Med. 2008 - The Status and
Exercise - Medscape: Treatment for Cancer Patients Should Include It |
Burzynski Clinic in Science-blogger's crosshairs PAL |
Skeptoid- Critical Analysis of Pop Phenomenon: Boost Your
Cancer Prevention, Naturally http://bit.ly/cfSFJR |
AACR 2009: Oncologists Should Recommend Exercise, But Not Supplements medscape.comThere is accumulating evidence to show that it can improve both prognosis and quality of life |
BC Cancer Agency: Guidance on unconventional therapies bccancer.bc.cam |
Cancer patients conceal alternative meds nlm.nih.gov |
Ethical considerations of complementary and alternative medical therapies in conventional medical settings. Ann Intern Med. 2002 PubMed |
Facts About Dietary Supplement NIH |
Use of Complementary/Integrative Nutritional Therapies During Cancer Treatment: Implications in Clinical Practice - Medscape 2002 H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Inc. |